
VDMA: Only one in two mechanical engineering companies can find enough apprentices

VDMA: Only one in two mechanical engineering companies can find enough apprentices

The shortage of skilled labour is affecting many sectors in Germany. It has now also reached the traditional branch of mechanical engineering. At the start of the new training year, many apprenticeship places remain unfilled. This is because there is a lack of qualified applicants, according to the industry association VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau).

According to a survey conducted by the association, only just under half of the companies were able to fill all their training positions. 36 per cent stated that almost all the positions could be filled. A minority of companies in this important industrial sector even have major problems finding trainees. One in four companies stated that they would offer more training positions if there were more qualified applicants.

In addition to strengthening the training system, another option for the future is to recruit skilled workers from abroad. There are various ways and means of bringing people with a comparable or thematically suitable occupation to Germany.
