

July 23, 2024

Care for the elderly: significantly higher wages for qualified nurses

Skilled workers in the care of the elderly currently earn 53 per cent more than in 2015. This is the result of the new wage atlas of the Federal Employment Agency. In hardly any other occupational field have wages increased more in recent years than in the care of the elderly. The employers’ association bpa […]

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July 15, 2024

Update: Language test for foreign nurses. Overview of all federal states

The law was passed in 2015. It was to have been implemented from 2020. In 2023, Bavaria was the first to dare to introduce the language test for physiotherapists, among others… But since no other federal state did anything, the introduction of this test, which has long been mandatory for human medicine throughout Germany (at […]

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June 20, 2024

Berlin introduces language test for nursing professions

Berlin is introducing a specialised language test for nursing staff with foreign qualifications. This makes it the latest federal state to implement the law, which was passed years ago, albeit with a delay. The specialised language test at B2 level is intended to ensure that the necessary language skills are available to work competently and […]

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June 12, 2024

Instagram: expert knowledge for carers, presented in a compact and clear way

There are a number of accounts on Instagram that you can use to learn or refresh your knowledge of your nursing profession. You already know everything? Great! Then you can use the posts to improve your German as a foreign nurse. Most of the information is very compact and covers a medical or nursing topic. […]

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June 5, 2024

Qualified specialists urgently needed: Federal Employment Agency – chefs and service technicians as new bottleneck occupations

The number of occupations in short supply in Germany fell slightly in 2023, but remains at a very high level. This is the result of the annual analysis of the shortage of skilled workers by the Federal Employment Agency (BA), which has now been published. Shortages in filling vacancies are evident in 183 of the […]

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June 3, 2024

Staff shortage in German nursing homes: patient advocates and nursing associations sound the alarm

Patient advocates and nursing associations in Germany have expressed alarm at the increasing shortage of staff in nursing homes. Christine Vogler, President of the German Nursing Council, emphasised: ‘In many places, nursing care in Germany is no longer guaranteed’.  In inpatient long-term care alone, there is a shortage of around 115,000 full-time professional carers. At […]

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May 12, 2024

Nursing profession influencer Rashid Hamid shows how beautiful nursing can be

Rashid Hamid now has over 300,000 followers on Instagram. It all started with the fact that he wanted to post a few videos from his everyday life as an outpatient carer, showing excerpts from his working day. He hadn’t expected it to go so viral. The success of the “carer with heart and soul” lies […]

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May 7, 2024

Building cleaning: Staff shortage slows down growth

Companies active in the building cleaning trade in Germany remain pessimistic about the future. According to a survey by the industry association, business is stagnating for around half of all companies, with a quarter even expecting a slight decline. This is not due to the poor order situation. The biggest obstacle to future growth is […]

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April 23, 2024

Germany: Sector minimum wages 2024 at a glance

In Germany, the statutory minimum wage is the absolute lower limit for the payment of labour. In many sectors, trade unions and employers have agreed on minimum wages that are higher than the statutory minimum wage, in some cases very significantly. We show you the industry minimum wages for some sectors and explain in advance […]

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April 15, 2024

Skilled labour shortage: more vacancies, especially for train drivers and bus drivers

The shortage of skilled labour in Germany is an issue in many sectors. In the transport sector the lack has recently grown the most in relative terms. According to a study by the Competence Centre for Securing Skilled Labour (Kofa) of the Institute of German Business (IW), which is closely linked to employers, the demand […]

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