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Successful labour migration against the shortage of skilled workers in Germany

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Idamem de situ lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

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Staff shortage in German nursing homes: patient advocates and nursing associations sound the alarm

Patient advocates and nursing associations in Germany have expressed alarm at the increasing shortage of staff in nursing homes. Christine Vogler, President of the German Nursing Council, emphasised: ‘In many places, nursing care in Germany is no longer guaranteed’.  In inpatient long-term care alone, there is a shortage of around 115,000 full-time professional carers. At […]

Nursing profession influencer Rashid Hamid shows how beautiful nursing can be

Rashid Hamid now has over 300,000 followers on Instagram. It all started with the fact that he wanted to post a few videos from his everyday life as an outpatient carer, showing excerpts from his working day. He hadn’t expected it to go so viral. The success of the “carer with heart and soul” lies […]

Building cleaning: Staff shortage slows down growth

Companies active in the building cleaning trade in Germany remain pessimistic about the future. According to a survey by the industry association, business is stagnating for around half of all companies, with a quarter even expecting a slight decline. This is not due to the poor order situation. The biggest obstacle to future growth is […]

Germany: Sector minimum wages 2024 at a glance

In Germany, the statutory minimum wage is the absolute lower limit for the payment of labour. In many sectors, trade unions and employers have agreed on minimum wages that are higher than the statutory minimum wage, in some cases very significantly. We show you the industry minimum wages for some sectors and explain in advance […]

Generalistic nursing approach in Germany

Number of nursing apprentices on the rise in Germany

In Germany, the number of trainees in the nursing professions has increased. As the central Federal Statistical Office announced today in Wiesbaden on July 26, around 56,300 people in Germany decided to train as nursing specialists last year. This is five percent more than in the previous year. In total, around 102,00 people were in […]

Nursing professionals take over medical activities

In future, nursing professionals will be given more competences in the care of patients. What is already part of everyday life in other countries is now also becoming more common in Germany. In future, qualified nurses will be able to care for people more independently and on their own responsibility if they have diabetes or […]

German parliament votes for corona bonuses for nurses

Bundestag passes nursing care bonus law

Good news: the German parliament, known as the Bundestag, passed a law on May 19 to pay a bonus for nursing staff in hospitals and care facilities. It is about 500 million euros each, which will be made available for hospitals as well as care facilities. These will then be paid to the nursing staff. […]

Minim salary of nurses in Germany

Minimum wage for care: More money for care workers from 1 April

As of 1 April, the minimum nursing wages have risen slightly. Unskilled nursing assistants now receive a minimum wage of 12.55 euros instead of 12.00 euros per hour. Qualified assistants are now paid a minimum wage of 13.20 euros (previously 12.50 euros). Skilled nursing staff now receive a minimum of 15.40 euros instead of 15.00 […]

Number of people in need of care in Germany continues to rise

The number of people in need of long-term care in Germany has continued to rise as expected. According to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), 4.96 million people in Germany were in need of long-term care at the end of 2021. In December 2019, there were still 4.13 million. The vast majority of these people in […]

Your chance: Great demand for physiotherapists in Germany

If you have decided to work as a physiotherapist, you want to actively help people so that they can live their lives without pain and discomfort. This brings satisfaction and is one of the main reasons for choosing this profession. There is currently a great need for physiotherapists throughout Germany, and there will be an […]

Specialised Language Examination (FSP) for Nurses (and other Health Professions)

What is in store for you? Anyone who wants to work as a nursing professional in Germany in the future must, in addition to proving their professional competences (through a knowledge test or adaptation course), also take a compulsory language test. This means that a normal B2 language certificate (e.g. from the Goethe Institute or […]

Hospital reform: Nurses to work more like doctors

The Federal Ministry of Health is currently working on a fundamental reform of the health care system. The focus is primarily on hospitals and their financing. But other ideas are also being discussed. One proposal is that there should be hospitals that are run entirely by nurses. Even if this would go very far, the […]

Study: Worrying staff shortage in nursing care in Germany

German hospitals have a massive staffing problem in nursing. Almost every hospital (94%) has vacant nursing positions on general wards that are not filled. Three quarters of intensive care units have vacancies in intensive care. And in two thirds of hospitals with paediatric wards, positions remain unfilled. The figures are the result of a representative […]

The Immigration Act for Germany: changes to the Western Balkans regulation from June 2024, and the opportunity card

The new Immigration Act will make it easier for job seekers and people from the Western Balkans to immigrate to Germany. In this third and final part, we look at the laws that will apply from June 2024. Introduction of the job search opportunity card An opportunity card will be introduced for job-seeking residence. There […]

Study: Germany needs up to 210,000 additional nursing staff by 2040

Staff shortages continue to be one of the biggest problems in Germany. And it will become even more acute in the future. This has a lot to do with the ageing German society. According to a study by the RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research, 5.7 million people in need of care can be […]

The Immigration Act for Germany: changes to employment and professional recognition from March 2024

The new Immigration Act will make it easier for skilled workers with vocational training and people with practical knowledge of their profession to immigrate to Germany. Here are the laws that will apply from March 2024. Residence for the recognition of a foreign professional qualification In future, anyone coming to Germany will have more opportunities […]

Number of people in need of care in Germany continues to rise

The number of people in need of long-term care in Germany has continued to rise as expected. According to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), 4.96 million people in Germany were in need of long-term care at the end of 2021. In December 2019, there were still 4.13 million. The vast majority of these people in […]

Your chance: Great demand for physiotherapists in Germany

If you have decided to work as a physiotherapist, you want to actively help people so that they can live their lives without pain and discomfort. This brings satisfaction and is one of the main reasons for choosing this profession. There is currently a great need for physiotherapists throughout Germany, and there will be an […]

Specialised Language Examination (FSP) for Nurses (and other Health Professions)

What is in store for you? Anyone who wants to work as a nursing professional in Germany in the future must, in addition to proving their professional competences (through a knowledge test or adaptation course), also take a compulsory language test. This means that a normal B2 language certificate (e.g. from the Goethe Institute or […]

Hospital reform: Nurses to work more like doctors

The Federal Ministry of Health is currently working on a fundamental reform of the health care system. The focus is primarily on hospitals and their financing. But other ideas are also being discussed. One proposal is that there should be hospitals that are run entirely by nurses. Even if this would go very far, the […]

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