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Successful labour migration against the shortage of skilled workers in Germany

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Idamem de situ lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

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Study: Germany needs up to 210,000 additional nursing staff by 2040

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The Immigration Act for Germany: changes to employment and professional recognition from March 2024

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German elderly care will need more than 130,000 additional skilled workers by 2035

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Better wages: pay rise for nursing staff at municipal hospitals

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Care for the elderly: minimum care wage increases

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Bavaria: Introduction of the specialist language examination for nursing staff postponed

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Skilled labour shortage: more vacancies, especially for train drivers and bus drivers

The shortage of skilled labour in Germany is an issue in many sectors. In the transport sector the lack has recently grown the most in relative terms. According to a study by the Competence Centre for Securing Skilled Labour (Kofa) of the Institute of German Business (IW), which is closely linked to employers, the demand […]

Labour shortage: Baden-Württemberg plans state agency for foreign skilled workers

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Arriving in Germany without a recognition notice: how the “recognition partnership” works

Since 1 March, the new Immigration Act for Germany has made it possible for future skilled workers to obtain a visa without a notice of deficiency. We explain exactly how this works here. Since the beginning of this month, applications for a work visa can also be submitted without a decision on deficits. Even with […]

Demand for highly qualified specialists is increasing in the electrical trades

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