
Across Germany: customs raid against undeclared work in care

Across Germany: customs raid against undeclared work in care

In a nationwide raid, the customs authorities searched for evidence of social security fraud and illegal employment in the care sector. The action was directed against a complex of companies that provide care staff for 24-hour care in private households, according to the public prosecutor’s office in Dortmund and the main customs office in Münster.

A spokeswoman said that around 200 officers searched 22 residential and business properties throughout Germany. Simultaneous operations also took place in Romania.

The investigations are focusing, among other things, on workers recruited in Romania over a period of years who then worked as caregivers in private households in Germany. However, contributions to pension insurance, unemployment insurance, nursing care insurance or health insurance were not regularly paid for the recruited workers. Investigators estimate the damage to the German social system at least 2.2 million euros.

There is also initial suspicion of illegal employment. For example, workers from non-EU countries are said to have worked in Germany on tourist visas, which is prohibited. Investigations are being carried out for social security fraud, withholding of wages and employment of people without residence permits. Evidence was secured during the raid.

This is not the first case of social insurance fraud and illegal employment in the field of 24-hour home care. Although reputable agencies are also active in this area, Signite deliberately does not serve this specific market segment. All of the skilled workers who find their way into the German labour market through Signite are permanently employed by employers in geriatric care, in hospitals or in rehabilitation facilities.
