
New statistics on foreign professional qualifications: Large proportion in nursing professions

New statistics on foreign professional qualifications: Large proportion in nursing professions

Germany’s Federal Statistical Office has published new statistics on the recognition of foreign professional qualifications. According to the figures, the number of positive recognition procedures increased from 52,300 in 2022 to 65,300 in 2023 (up 25 per cent). This is 11% more than in the previous year. Compared to 2016, when Destatis recorded the recognition of foreign professional qualifications for the first time, the number of recognised professional qualifications has more than doubled.

A good two thirds of all recognised foreign professional qualifications are in the field of healthcare professions. 42 per cent of all recognition was for the professional qualifications of nursing specialist or the previous professional qualifications of healthcare and nursing assistant, healthcare and paediatric nurse and geriatric nurse. As many as 14 per cent were for the profession of doctor as part of the licence to practise.

Of all positive recognition procedures, professional qualifications acquired in Turkey were most frequently recognised, accounting for 10 percent of all cases. Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Philippines and Tunisia followed with 7 per cent each. Destatis recorded particularly strong increases in the number of applications for recognition from Turkey, Tunisia, Ukraine and India.
