
Saxony: The recognition process is to be simplified

Saxony: The recognition process is to be simplified

The German federal state of Saxony and its institutions are increasingly looking for nursing staff and are also turning their attention to other countries. Health Minister Petra Köpping is now pushing for more speed in the recognition of foreign qualifications. The recognition process should be made easier, faster and more effective: this begins with the processing of applications, also applies to the implementation of any adjustment measures and ends with the issuing of the professional certificate for the appropriately qualified specialist.

‘To ensure that people throughout Saxony continue to receive the best possible care in the future, we need stable training figures in nursing training and must not lose sight of those already working in nursing,’ emphasised the minister. We cannot afford to do without specialist nursing staff from abroad, but we must place more emphasis on their skills and motivation.

In 2023, 495 recognition procedures were completed, 420 of which were approved on the basis of direct recognition of the foreign qualification. Those affected can thus work in the profession immediately. In Saxony, the municipal social welfare association is responsible for nursing professions.
