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Successful labour migration against the shortage of skilled workers in Germany

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Idamem de situ lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

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Nurses in intensive care need special skills for operations

3+1 model: shortened further training in intensive care nursing

If you want to work in intensive care in Germany, you have to complete a special further training course in order to then receive the official title of “intensive care specialist” and be allowed to work. One problem: this education and training takes 5.5 years, so it’s long. At the same time, the demand for […]

Generalistic nursing approach in Germany

Number of nursing apprentices on the rise in Germany

In Germany, the number of trainees in the nursing professions has increased. As the central Federal Statistical Office announced today in Wiesbaden on July 26, around 56,300 people in Germany decided to train as nursing specialists last year. This is five percent more than in the previous year. In total, around 102,00 people were in […]

Nursing professionals take over medical activities

In future, nursing professionals will be given more competences in the care of patients. What is already part of everyday life in other countries is now also becoming more common in Germany. In future, qualified nurses will be able to care for people more independently and on their own responsibility if they have diabetes or […]

German parliament votes for corona bonuses for nurses

Bundestag passes nursing care bonus law

Good news: the German parliament, known as the Bundestag, passed a law on May 19 to pay a bonus for nursing staff in hospitals and care facilities. It is about 500 million euros each, which will be made available for hospitals as well as care facilities. These will then be paid to the nursing staff. […]

German government decides on 18-month nursing assistant education

The German government has decided to introduce a new nursing assistant education programme. The aim of the bill is to ensure that nursing assistants in future undergo a nationally standardised, appropriately remunerated training. Because Germany is divided into 16 federal states, which are allowed to have a say in educational matters, the introduction of such […]

KOFA: employing international skilled workers

The Competence Centre for Securing Skilled Workers, or KOFA for short, is a project commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection that provides advice and support to decision-makers in companies in the form of information and tips. Logically, KOFA encourages the recruitment of personnel from so-called third countries. ‘Looking abroad expands […]

In the first half of 2024: Germany issues more than 80,000 work visas

In the first half of this year, more than 80,000 visas were issued to people who want to work in Germany. About half of them are skilled workers. This means that the number has increased by around 5% compared to the previous year. In view of the acute shortage of skilled workers, major German business […]

For nursing: all German technical terms in one app

Do you hear a technical term and have no idea what it means? Do you come across technical terms in your textbook and don’t know what they mean? Just look it up in the app and you’ll know what it means! This is how the specialist book publisher Elsevier advertises its app. Bronchopneumonia? Sputum? Mediastinum? […]

Article in Times of India about Signite: Offer for Indian care workers

Through our Indian partner Study Feeds and Signite, a longer article has been published in the Times of India, which addresses Indian care workers and describes the safe, fair way to attractive jobs with our employers in Germany. You can find the article and a YouTube video of our partner here.

German elderly care will need more than 130,000 additional skilled workers by 2035

A study has analysed the future need for skilled workers in elderly care and the results have now been published. By 2035, more than 130,000 additional full-time skilled nursing staff will be needed in Germany. Already in 2025, a shortage of almost 60,000 nursing professionals is predicted, especially in nursing homes and in the outpatient […]

Better wages: pay rise for nursing staff at municipal hospitals

Unions and public employers have reached an agreement: The more than 2.6 million federal and municipal employees – including nursing staff in municipal facilities – will receive more money from March 2024 and inflation compensation payments before the end of this year. In total, employees will benefit from a pay increase of up to 17 […]

Care for the elderly: minimum care wage increases

Since this month, i.e. since May, the second of a total of three stages for higher minimum wages in elderly care has taken effect. This means that the nursing staff there receive more money for their work. The minimum wage still differs according to the qualification of the staff and is now as follows: auxiliary […]

Qualified specialists urgently needed: Federal Employment Agency – chefs and service technicians as new bottleneck occupations

The number of occupations in short supply in Germany fell slightly in 2023, but remains at a very high level. This is the result of the annual analysis of the shortage of skilled workers by the Federal Employment Agency (BA), which has now been published. Shortages in filling vacancies are evident in 183 of the […]

Staff shortage in German nursing homes: patient advocates and nursing associations sound the alarm

Patient advocates and nursing associations in Germany have expressed alarm at the increasing shortage of staff in nursing homes. Christine Vogler, President of the German Nursing Council, emphasised: ‘In many places, nursing care in Germany is no longer guaranteed’.  In inpatient long-term care alone, there is a shortage of around 115,000 full-time professional carers. At […]

Nursing profession influencer Rashid Hamid shows how beautiful nursing can be

Rashid Hamid now has over 300,000 followers on Instagram. It all started with the fact that he wanted to post a few videos from his everyday life as an outpatient carer, showing excerpts from his working day. He hadn’t expected it to go so viral. The success of the “carer with heart and soul” lies […]

Building cleaning: Staff shortage slows down growth

Companies active in the building cleaning trade in Germany remain pessimistic about the future. According to a survey by the industry association, business is stagnating for around half of all companies, with a quarter even expecting a slight decline. This is not due to the poor order situation. The biggest obstacle to future growth is […]

German government decides on 18-month nursing assistant education

The German government has decided to introduce a new nursing assistant education programme. The aim of the bill is to ensure that nursing assistants in future undergo a nationally standardised, appropriately remunerated training. Because Germany is divided into 16 federal states, which are allowed to have a say in educational matters, the introduction of such […]

KOFA: employing international skilled workers

The Competence Centre for Securing Skilled Workers, or KOFA for short, is a project commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection that provides advice and support to decision-makers in companies in the form of information and tips. Logically, KOFA encourages the recruitment of personnel from so-called third countries. ‘Looking abroad expands […]

In the first half of 2024: Germany issues more than 80,000 work visas

In the first half of this year, more than 80,000 visas were issued to people who want to work in Germany. About half of them are skilled workers. This means that the number has increased by around 5% compared to the previous year. In view of the acute shortage of skilled workers, major German business […]

For nursing: all German technical terms in one app

Do you hear a technical term and have no idea what it means? Do you come across technical terms in your textbook and don’t know what they mean? Just look it up in the app and you’ll know what it means! This is how the specialist book publisher Elsevier advertises its app. Bronchopneumonia? Sputum? Mediastinum? […]

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