
Salary: Rising wages in long-term care

Salary: Rising wages in long-term care

Since 1 November, higher average wages have applied in Germany for those working in inpatient long-term care. On average, across all occupational groups and irrespective of professional experience, the hourly wages are 20.77 euros.

Across Germany, the new average wages per working hour will in future be 17.53 euros for nursing assistants without training. (plus around 3% compared to 2022).

Nursing assistants, i.e. assistants with at least one year of training, will receive 19.53 euros (plus over 2.5%).

The new average wage for skilled nursing staff is 23.75 euros (plus just under 1.6%).

This calculation of average wages by the GKV-Spitzenverband includes those wages that are covered by collective agreements or paid by church institutions. This shows that the introduction of collectively agreed pay in 2022 has had a positive effect and that care workers are increasingly being paid better and more fairly for their job. This is a good perspective for all those who, coming from abroad, may earn less initially, at the start, but know their own future possibilities.
