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Successful labour migration against the shortage of skilled workers in Germany

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The Immigration Act for Germany: changes to the Western Balkans regulation from June 2024, and the opportunity card

The new Immigration Act will make it easier for job seekers and people from the Western Balkans to immigrate to Germany. In this third and final part, we look at the laws that will apply from June 2024. Introduction of the job search opportunity card An opportunity card will be introduced for job-seeking residence. There […]

Study: Germany needs up to 210,000 additional nursing staff by 2040

Staff shortages continue to be one of the biggest problems in Germany. And it will become even more acute in the future. This has a lot to do with the ageing German society. According to a study by the RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research, 5.7 million people in need of care can be […]

The Immigration Act for Germany: changes to employment and professional recognition from March 2024

The new Immigration Act will make it easier for skilled workers with vocational training and people with practical knowledge of their profession to immigrate to Germany. Here are the laws that will apply from March 2024. Residence for the recognition of a foreign professional qualification In future, anyone coming to Germany will have more opportunities […]

Signite launches in Georgia

With the language courses for nurses starting today, Signite is now also offering fair and safe labour migration to Germany in Georgia. In addition to its geographical and cultural proximity to Germany, it is above all the qualified medical specialists that make Georgia an attractive country of origin for the recruitment of skilled workers. With […]

Bavaria: “Fast Lane” for foreign nursing professionals

Foreign nursing staff are to be allowed to work in Bavaria more quickly in future. This is to be achieved with a three-pillar strategy for a “fast lane” that interlinks visa and professional recognition procedures and thus accelerates them. One milestone is the centralisation of the recognition procedure at the State Office for Nursing on […]

Corona: Mask and test obligation for care workers ends on 1 March

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Shortage of skilled workers: Significant need for more nursing staff in Rhineland-Palatinate

Time and again, calculations are made to help us look into the future. The Institute for Labour Market and Educational Research (IAB) has calculated in a model how much nursing staff will be needed in the coming years. Among other things, this is intended to create a basis for policy-makers to make the right decisions […]

Number of people in need of care in Germany continues to rise

The number of people in need of long-term care in Germany has continued to rise as expected. According to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), 4.96 million people in Germany were in need of long-term care at the end of 2021. In December 2019, there were still 4.13 million. The vast majority of these people in […]


Welcome to the Signite News!

This is the very first news from Signite. In the future, interesting, important and sometimes funny things will be published here at irregular intervals – above all, but not only for nurses. We want to keep you informed and up to date about things you might not otherwise notice: because you don’t yet surf German […]

The Immigration Act for Germany: changes to the Western Balkans regulation from June 2024, and the opportunity card

The new Immigration Act will make it easier for job seekers and people from the Western Balkans to immigrate to Germany. In this third and final part, we look at the laws that will apply from June 2024. Introduction of the job search opportunity card An opportunity card will be introduced for job-seeking residence. There […]

Study: Germany needs up to 210,000 additional nursing staff by 2040

Staff shortages continue to be one of the biggest problems in Germany. And it will become even more acute in the future. This has a lot to do with the ageing German society. According to a study by the RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research, 5.7 million people in need of care can be […]

The Immigration Act for Germany: changes to employment and professional recognition from March 2024

The new Immigration Act will make it easier for skilled workers with vocational training and people with practical knowledge of their profession to immigrate to Germany. Here are the laws that will apply from March 2024. Residence for the recognition of a foreign professional qualification In future, anyone coming to Germany will have more opportunities […]

Signite launches in Georgia

With the language courses for nurses starting today, Signite is now also offering fair and safe labour migration to Germany in Georgia. In addition to its geographical and cultural proximity to Germany, it is above all the qualified medical specialists that make Georgia an attractive country of origin for the recruitment of skilled workers. With […]

Documentary series accompanied German nursing trainees

The German TV station “MDR” (Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk) has been broadcasting the documentary series “Die Pflegeklasse” (The Nursing Class) for a short time. You can also watch it on the internet, but unfortunately access is not possible from all countries. The documentary accompanies six young women from Magdeburg who have decided to train as nurses. In […]

For German hospitals: Lower limits for nursing staff

In Germany, so-called lower staffing limits for nursing staff have been in force for some time in nursing-intensive areas of hospitals. In this way, the legislator wants to ensure that there are always enough qualified staff available in the departments where good care of patients by nursing staff is particularly important. These lower limits must […]

Sars-Cov-2: Booster query only for new employees in Bavaria

In Germany, a so-called facility-based vaccination obligation currently applies to all persons working in medical care. This means that hospitals, rehab providers and nursing homes, as employers, must ensure that staff are vaccinated against Corona with vaccines recognised in the EU. From October, even stricter rules for proof of immunity will also apply. But the […]

Growing together in the German immigration society

The Bertelsmann Stiftung study published on 29 August 2022 deals with the topics of participation, connectedness and belonging and provides interesting insights into how people with and without an immigrant background perceive living together in the German immigration society. A large majority of over 70 per cent of respondents, both with and without an immigrant […]

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