Signite's Magazine

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Successful labour migration against the shortage of skilled workers in Germany

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Idamem de situ lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

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In Germany: Nursing staff to get more powers

The German Federal Minister of Health, Karl Lauterbach, has announced that nurses are to be given more powers in their work. The aim is that in future they will be able to do more of what they are now only allowed to do under medical supervision. This has long been a central demand of nurses […]

Relaunch of our website: more professions, more sectors, more opportunities for all

Our website has undergone a relaunch. In future, Signite will offer other profiles for other sectors in addition to the already familiar placement of medical professionals from third countries for the German healthcare industry. The new Immigration Act, which will gradually come into force in the coming months, offers much broader opportunities for labour migration. […]

Simplify the influx of foreign nursing staff: Federal states become active

The individual federal states are increasingly competing with each other for the best skilled workers. The government of the federal state of Lower Saxony plans to present a package of measures to support nursing homes this month. This includes a program to recruit skilled nursing staff. In this context, foreign professional qualifications are to be […]

Article in Times of India about Signite: Offer for Indian care workers

Through our Indian partner Study Feeds and Signite, a longer article has been published in the Times of India, which addresses Indian care workers and describes the safe, fair way to attractive jobs with our employers in Germany. You can find the article and a YouTube video of our partner here.

Update: Language test for foreign nurses. Overview of all federal states

The law was passed in 2015. It was to have been implemented from 2020. In 2023, Bavaria was the first to dare to introduce the language test for physiotherapists, among others… But since no other federal state did anything, the introduction of this test, which has long been mandatory for human medicine throughout Germany (at […]

Berlin introduces language test for nursing professions

Berlin is introducing a specialised language test for nursing staff with foreign qualifications. This makes it the latest federal state to implement the law, which was passed years ago, albeit with a delay. The specialised language test at B2 level is intended to ensure that the necessary language skills are available to work competently and […]

Instagram: expert knowledge for carers, presented in a compact and clear way

There are a number of accounts on Instagram that you can use to learn or refresh your knowledge of your nursing profession. You already know everything? Great! Then you can use the posts to improve your German as a foreign nurse. Most of the information is very compact and covers a medical or nursing topic. […]

Qualified specialists urgently needed: Federal Employment Agency – chefs and service technicians as new bottleneck occupations

The number of occupations in short supply in Germany fell slightly in 2023, but remains at a very high level. This is the result of the annual analysis of the shortage of skilled workers by the Federal Employment Agency (BA), which has now been published. Shortages in filling vacancies are evident in 183 of the […]

Northern Germany: metal industry lacks tens of thousands of skilled workers

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Employees at public institutions: Salary increases for nurses

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DBfK on the shortage of nursing staff: employers must take action

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Corona vaccination obligation to be phased out

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Documentary series accompanied German nursing trainees

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For German hospitals: Lower limits for nursing staff

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Sars-Cov-2: Booster query only for new employees in Bavaria

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Update: Language test for foreign nurses. Overview of all federal states

The law was passed in 2015. It was to have been implemented from 2020. In 2023, Bavaria was the first to dare to introduce the language test for physiotherapists, among others… But since no other federal state did anything, the introduction of this test, which has long been mandatory for human medicine throughout Germany (at […]

Berlin introduces language test for nursing professions

Berlin is introducing a specialised language test for nursing staff with foreign qualifications. This makes it the latest federal state to implement the law, which was passed years ago, albeit with a delay. The specialised language test at B2 level is intended to ensure that the necessary language skills are available to work competently and […]

Instagram: expert knowledge for carers, presented in a compact and clear way

There are a number of accounts on Instagram that you can use to learn or refresh your knowledge of your nursing profession. You already know everything? Great! Then you can use the posts to improve your German as a foreign nurse. Most of the information is very compact and covers a medical or nursing topic. […]

Qualified specialists urgently needed: Federal Employment Agency – chefs and service technicians as new bottleneck occupations

The number of occupations in short supply in Germany fell slightly in 2023, but remains at a very high level. This is the result of the annual analysis of the shortage of skilled workers by the Federal Employment Agency (BA), which has now been published. Shortages in filling vacancies are evident in 183 of the […]

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