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Successful labour migration against the shortage of skilled workers in Germany

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Idamem de situ lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

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Arriving in Germany without a recognition notice: how the “recognition partnership” works

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Saxony: The recognition process is to be simplified

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North Rhine-Westphalia: Chamber of Nursing warns of massive gaps in care

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Nursing staff in Germany: How the minimum wage will rise by 2025

Those working in nursing now earn good money. In February 2022, the nursing commission agreed on a gradual increase in minimum wages in nursing, as well as additional vacation days, and proposed correspondingly gradually increasing hourly wages. The first increase in the minimum wage for nursing staff in Germany took place on 1 September 2022. […]

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Saxony: The recognition process is to be simplified

The German federal state of Saxony and its institutions are increasingly looking for nursing staff and are also turning their attention to other countries. Health Minister Petra Köpping is now pushing for more speed in the recognition of foreign qualifications. The recognition process should be made easier, faster and more effective: this begins with the […]

North Rhine-Westphalia: Chamber of Nursing warns of massive gaps in care

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Nursing staff in Germany: How the minimum wage will rise by 2025

Those working in nursing now earn good money. In February 2022, the nursing commission agreed on a gradual increase in minimum wages in nursing, as well as additional vacation days, and proposed correspondingly gradually increasing hourly wages. The first increase in the minimum wage for nursing staff in Germany took place on 1 September 2022. […]

Care in Germany: Eighth care report published

The Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) has presented the Eighth Care Report ‘on the development of long-term care insurance and the state of long-term care in the Federal Republic of Germany’. It covers the years 2020-23, the challenges, progress and initiatives. The shortage of personnel and the increasing number of people in need of care […]

The German pharmaceutical industry is facing a shortage of skilled workers

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Across Germany: customs raid against undeclared work in care

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VDMA: Only one in two mechanical engineering companies can find enough apprentices

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New statistics on foreign professional qualifications: Large proportion in nursing professions

Germany’s Federal Statistical Office has published new statistics on the recognition of foreign professional qualifications. According to the figures, the number of positive recognition procedures increased from 52,300 in 2022 to 65,300 in 2023 (up 25 per cent). This is 11% more than in the previous year. Compared to 2016, when Destatis recorded the recognition […]

Sars-Cov-2: Booster query only for new employees in Bavaria

In Germany, a so-called facility-based vaccination obligation currently applies to all persons working in medical care. This means that hospitals, rehab providers and nursing homes, as employers, must ensure that staff are vaccinated against Corona with vaccines recognised in the EU. From October, even stricter rules for proof of immunity will also apply. But the […]

Growing together in the German immigration society

The Bertelsmann Stiftung study published on 29 August 2022 deals with the topics of participation, connectedness and belonging and provides interesting insights into how people with and without an immigrant background perceive living together in the German immigration society. A large majority of over 70 per cent of respondents, both with and without an immigrant […]

Up to 30% more pay for nursing staff in care for the elderly

As of this Thursday, September 1, the obligation for nursing homes and outpatient care services to pay their nursing staff according to collective wage agreements takes effect. According to the German Federal Ministry of Health, this will increase salaries by up to 30%. How high the increase in salaries actually turns out to be depends […]

Lack of skilled staff at emergency departments of German hospitals.

German hospitals: staff shortage in 99% of emergency departments

The German Society of Interdisciplinary Emergency and Acute Medicine DGINA  had conducted a survey in July 2022. Now the dramatic result is available. The survey showed: In 86 percent of the houses was a shortage of normal inpatient beds, in 54 percent of intensive care beds and in 48 percent of intermediate care beds (IMC). […]

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