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Successful labour migration against the shortage of skilled workers in Germany

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est.

Idamem de situ lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

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Nursing professionals take over medical activities

In future, nursing professionals will be given more competences in the care of patients. What is already part of everyday life in other countries is now also becoming more common in Germany. In future, qualified nurses will be able to care for people more independently and on their own responsibility if they have diabetes or […]

German parliament votes for corona bonuses for nurses

Bundestag passes nursing care bonus law

Good news: the German parliament, known as the Bundestag, passed a law on May 19 to pay a bonus for nursing staff in hospitals and care facilities. It is about 500 million euros each, which will be made available for hospitals as well as care facilities. These will then be paid to the nursing staff. […]

Minim salary of nurses in Germany

Minimum wage for care: More money for care workers from 1 April

As of 1 April, the minimum nursing wages have risen slightly. Unskilled nursing assistants now receive a minimum wage of 12.55 euros instead of 12.00 euros per hour. Qualified assistants are now paid a minimum wage of 13.20 euros (previously 12.50 euros). Skilled nursing staff now receive a minimum of 15.40 euros instead of 15.00 […]

Corona bonus for nurses in Germany, extra money

Senior citizens’ home may release unvaccinated employees from work

A nursing home in Hesse is allowed to release two employees who have not been vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 from work. This was the decision of the local labour court in a summary proceeding. On 12 April, the competent court had rejected the applications of a residential area manager and a nursing specialist for employment with […]

Nursing professionals take over medical activities

In future, nursing professionals will be given more competences in the care of patients. What is already part of everyday life in other countries is now also becoming more common in Germany. In future, qualified nurses will be able to care for people more independently and on their own responsibility if they have diabetes or […]

German parliament votes for corona bonuses for nurses

Bundestag passes nursing care bonus law

Good news: the German parliament, known as the Bundestag, passed a law on May 19 to pay a bonus for nursing staff in hospitals and care facilities. It is about 500 million euros each, which will be made available for hospitals as well as care facilities. These will then be paid to the nursing staff. […]

Minim salary of nurses in Germany

Minimum wage for care: More money for care workers from 1 April

As of 1 April, the minimum nursing wages have risen slightly. Unskilled nursing assistants now receive a minimum wage of 12.55 euros instead of 12.00 euros per hour. Qualified assistants are now paid a minimum wage of 13.20 euros (previously 12.50 euros). Skilled nursing staff now receive a minimum of 15.40 euros instead of 15.00 […]

Corona bonus for nurses in Germany, extra money

Senior citizens’ home may release unvaccinated employees from work

A nursing home in Hesse is allowed to release two employees who have not been vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 from work. This was the decision of the local labour court in a summary proceeding. On 12 April, the competent court had rejected the applications of a residential area manager and a nursing specialist for employment with […]

Documentary series accompanied German nursing trainees

The German TV station “MDR” (Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk) has been broadcasting the documentary series “Die Pflegeklasse” (The Nursing Class) for a short time. You can also watch it on the internet, but unfortunately access is not possible from all countries. The documentary accompanies six young women from Magdeburg who have decided to train as nurses. In […]

For German hospitals: Lower limits for nursing staff

In Germany, so-called lower staffing limits for nursing staff have been in force for some time in nursing-intensive areas of hospitals. In this way, the legislator wants to ensure that there are always enough qualified staff available in the departments where good care of patients by nursing staff is particularly important. These lower limits must […]

Sars-Cov-2: Booster query only for new employees in Bavaria

In Germany, a so-called facility-based vaccination obligation currently applies to all persons working in medical care. This means that hospitals, rehab providers and nursing homes, as employers, must ensure that staff are vaccinated against Corona with vaccines recognised in the EU. From October, even stricter rules for proof of immunity will also apply. But the […]

Growing together in the German immigration society

The Bertelsmann Stiftung study published on 29 August 2022 deals with the topics of participation, connectedness and belonging and provides interesting insights into how people with and without an immigrant background perceive living together in the German immigration society. A large majority of over 70 per cent of respondents, both with and without an immigrant […]


Welcome to the Signite News!

This is the very first news from Signite. In the future, interesting, important and sometimes funny things will be published here at irregular intervals – above all, but not only for nurses. We want to keep you informed and up to date about things you might not otherwise notice: because you don’t yet surf German […]


Welcome to the Signite News!

This is the very first news from Signite. In the future, interesting, important and sometimes funny things will be published here at irregular intervals – above all, but not only for nurses. We want to keep you informed and up to date about things you might not otherwise notice: because you don’t yet surf German […]

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