
Relaunch of our website: more professions, more sectors, more opportunities for all

Our website has undergone a relaunch. In future, Signite will offer other profiles for other sectors in addition to the already familiar placement of medical professionals from third countries for the German healthcare industry. The new Immigration Act, which will gradually come into force in the coming months, offers much broader opportunities for labour migration. […]

Simplify the influx of foreign nursing staff: Federal states become active

The individual federal states are increasingly competing with each other for the best skilled workers. The government of the federal state of Lower Saxony plans to present a package of measures to support nursing homes this month. This includes a program to recruit skilled nursing staff. In this context, foreign professional qualifications are to be […]

Article in Times of India about Signite: Offer for Indian care workers

Through our Indian partner Study Feeds and Signite, a longer article has been published in the Times of India, which addresses Indian care workers and describes the safe, fair way to attractive jobs with our employers in Germany. You can find the article and a YouTube video of our partner here.

German elderly care will need more than 130,000 additional skilled workers by 2035

A study has analysed the future need for skilled workers in elderly care and the results have now been published. By 2035, more than 130,000 additional full-time skilled nursing staff will be needed in Germany. Already in 2025, a shortage of almost 60,000 nursing professionals is predicted, especially in nursing homes and in the outpatient […]

Better wages: pay rise for nursing staff at municipal hospitals

Unions and public employers have reached an agreement: The more than 2.6 million federal and municipal employees – including nursing staff in municipal facilities – will receive more money from March 2024 and inflation compensation payments before the end of this year. In total, employees will benefit from a pay increase of up to 17 […]

Care for the elderly: minimum care wage increases

Since this month, i.e. since May, the second of a total of three stages for higher minimum wages in elderly care has taken effect. This means that the nursing staff there receive more money for their work. The minimum wage still differs according to the qualification of the staff and is now as follows: auxiliary […]

Signite in Egypt!

We are proud to welcome a new country to our Signite team. Signite is also launching its flexible and free matching service for experts in Egypt. Together with the MIG Academy, one of the most important German language schools in the country with locations in Cairo and Alexandria, we want to provide a safe and […]

Bavaria: “Fast Lane” for foreign nursing professionals

Foreign nursing staff are to be allowed to work in Bavaria more quickly in future. This is to be achieved with a three-pillar strategy for a “fast lane” that interlinks visa and professional recognition procedures and thus accelerates them. One milestone is the centralisation of the recognition procedure at the State Office for Nursing on […]