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Successful labour migration against the shortage of skilled workers in Germany

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est.

Idamem de situ lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

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Skilled labour shortage: more vacancies, especially for train drivers and bus drivers

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Labour shortage: Baden-Württemberg plans state agency for foreign skilled workers

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Arriving in Germany without a recognition notice: how the “recognition partnership” works

Since 1 March, the new Immigration Act for Germany has made it possible for future skilled workers to obtain a visa without a notice of deficiency. We explain exactly how this works here. Since the beginning of this month, applications for a work visa can also be submitted without a decision on deficits. Even with […]

Demand for highly qualified specialists is increasing in the electrical trades

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Number of people in need of care in Germany continues to rise

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Your chance: Great demand for physiotherapists in Germany

If you have decided to work as a physiotherapist, you want to actively help people so that they can live their lives without pain and discomfort. This brings satisfaction and is one of the main reasons for choosing this profession. There is currently a great need for physiotherapists throughout Germany, and there will be an […]

Specialised Language Examination (FSP) for Nurses (and other Health Professions)

What is in store for you? Anyone who wants to work as a nursing professional in Germany in the future must, in addition to proving their professional competences (through a knowledge test or adaptation course), also take a compulsory language test. This means that a normal B2 language certificate (e.g. from the Goethe Institute or […]

Hospital reform: Nurses to work more like doctors

The Federal Ministry of Health is currently working on a fundamental reform of the health care system. The focus is primarily on hospitals and their financing. But other ideas are also being discussed. One proposal is that there should be hospitals that are run entirely by nurses. Even if this would go very far, the […]

Corona vaccination obligation to be phased out

Since mid-March 2022, staff in care facilities and hospitals in Germany have had to prove that they have been fully vaccinated or have recovered from the Corona virus. This regulation also applied to staff in facilities for disabled people, doctors’ surgeries, emergency services or maternity facilities. Otherwise, there is the threat of a ban on […]

Documentary series accompanied German nursing trainees

The German TV station “MDR” (Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk) has been broadcasting the documentary series “Die Pflegeklasse” (The Nursing Class) for a short time. You can also watch it on the internet, but unfortunately access is not possible from all countries. The documentary accompanies six young women from Magdeburg who have decided to train as nurses. In […]

For German hospitals: Lower limits for nursing staff

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Sars-Cov-2: Booster query only for new employees in Bavaria

In Germany, a so-called facility-based vaccination obligation currently applies to all persons working in medical care. This means that hospitals, rehab providers and nursing homes, as employers, must ensure that staff are vaccinated against Corona with vaccines recognised in the EU. From October, even stricter rules for proof of immunity will also apply. But the […]

Growing together in the German immigration society

The Bertelsmann Stiftung study published on 29 August 2022 deals with the topics of participation, connectedness and belonging and provides interesting insights into how people with and without an immigrant background perceive living together in the German immigration society. A large majority of over 70 per cent of respondents, both with and without an immigrant […]

Up to 30% more pay for nursing staff in care for the elderly

As of this Thursday, September 1, the obligation for nursing homes and outpatient care services to pay their nursing staff according to collective wage agreements takes effect. According to the German Federal Ministry of Health, this will increase salaries by up to 30%. How high the increase in salaries actually turns out to be depends […]

Lack of skilled staff at emergency departments of German hospitals.

German hospitals: staff shortage in 99% of emergency departments

The German Society of Interdisciplinary Emergency and Acute Medicine DGINA  had conducted a survey in July 2022. Now the dramatic result is available. The survey showed: In 86 percent of the houses was a shortage of normal inpatient beds, in 54 percent of intensive care beds and in 48 percent of intermediate care beds (IMC). […]

Nurses in intensive care need special skills for operations

3+1 model: shortened further training in intensive care nursing

If you want to work in intensive care in Germany, you have to complete a special further training course in order to then receive the official title of “intensive care specialist” and be allowed to work. One problem: this education and training takes 5.5 years, so it’s long. At the same time, the demand for […]

In Germany: Nursing staff to get more powers

The German Federal Minister of Health, Karl Lauterbach, has announced that nurses are to be given more powers in their work. The aim is that in future they will be able to do more of what they are now only allowed to do under medical supervision. This has long been a central demand of nurses […]

Relaunch of our website: more professions, more sectors, more opportunities for all

Our website has undergone a relaunch. In future, Signite will offer other profiles for other sectors in addition to the already familiar placement of medical professionals from third countries for the German healthcare industry. The new Immigration Act, which will gradually come into force in the coming months, offers much broader opportunities for labour migration. […]

Simplify the influx of foreign nursing staff: Federal states become active

The individual federal states are increasingly competing with each other for the best skilled workers. The government of the federal state of Lower Saxony plans to present a package of measures to support nursing homes this month. This includes a program to recruit skilled nursing staff. In this context, foreign professional qualifications are to be […]

Article in Times of India about Signite: Offer for Indian care workers

Through our Indian partner Study Feeds and Signite, a longer article has been published in the Times of India, which addresses Indian care workers and describes the safe, fair way to attractive jobs with our employers in Germany. You can find the article and a YouTube video of our partner here.

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